Fresh Watermelon Topped With Low-Fat Cool Whip & Chocolate PB2

Last night my sweets cravings were out of control!

Instead of diving into the cookies that my roommate keeps buying (grrr…) I decided to try a unique dessert instead.

I am in looooove with PB2. It is so much lower in fat than peanut butter, but tastes the same! I wasn’t too sure how it would taste on watermelon, but mixed with the low-fat cool whip, it was really good!


– 1 ½ cups fresh cubed watermelon

– 2 tablespoons low-fat cool whip

-2 tablespoons chocolate PB2

This serving was pretty big, it filled a cereal bowl, and really filled me up and killed those cravings!

Best part? The entire bowl was only 131 calories.

Much lower in calories than those oreos! 😉

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